Character Lore


When all 5 orbs are removed from the pedestal, the universe’s soul becomes trapped in a place with nothing. It’s only hope is for someone to retrieve all 5 orbs, but that comes at a cost. When the orbs go missing, the universe must find another being’s soul to be able to hold the universe together, and in Bandy’s Universe, it picked Scott the Woz.


The mysterious entity that controls the balance of the entire universe. Modur is not a person, but is the final form of what keeps our universe together. It cannot exist without the 5 orbs: The Orb of Power, The Orb of Mystery, The Orb of Knowledge, The Orb of Travel, and the Orb of Life. If a conscious creature gets enveloped with Mod, they will have an everlasting desire to destroy the universe in order to escape Modur’s body.